7 reasons why the child is poorly studying

Most parents want their children to study well. But expectations often diverge from reality. What to do? Scold and punish? The child will begin to be nervous because of his studies or completely forget about her. The parent’s task is different: find out the cause of the doubles and triples, and then help solve it.

1.Unacceptability in study

Motivation is external

Il s’est avéré que ces femmes qui considéraient que leurs maris plus attrayants étaient constamment malheureuses de leur propre apparence. Ils s’assirent sur des régimes alimentaires et exacerbaient leur corps avec des cours de fitness, juste pour adapter leur mari plus attrayant. Ils étaient également pharmacie erection tourmentés par la peur que ce mari plus attrayant rencontrerait une personne plus attrayante (apparemment, en fonction des smoothies de faible calorie).

and internal. External schoolchildren prevail among younger students: it is important for them to be praised by teachers and parents.

If you praise the child, but he still does not want to do lessons, try adding the game elements to the training: perform speed exercises, use your child’s favorite toys, take additional improvised tools, for example, a marker board. The more interesting the learning process, the more the child will have a desire to gain new knowledge.

In adolescence, children are already starting to think about the future, so internal motivation becomes the main thing for them. But it is not strong enough due to the fact that a teenager wants to spend more time with friends, does not understand the value of education and is simply lazy.

Teenagers already have their own opinion, ambitions and authorities, among which parents are often not included, so it is difficult for adults to influence the motivation of senior schoolchildren. In order for the child to begin to listen to your opinion, you need to regularly discuss his interests with him and focus on the importance of learning.

But the main thing is not to crush or impose your position, but to give significant arguments and try to inspire.

2.Lack of an individual approach

All children perceive information in different ways. Some schoolchildren are audio and it is easier for them by ear, it is important for others to read the material. And someone needs to make sketches and a summary of the read to remember. Therefore, the task of the parent is to help the child with the choice of a convenient way of learning and teach him how to use it in life.

3.A large number of additional classes

Many parents try to raise children with versatile personalities, so they give them to numerous circles and sections. Of course, with such a dense schedule, the child does not have time and effort to perform homework and preparation for lessons. As a result, performance is reduced.

If you see that the child is very tired, abandon part of additional classes and leave only those that he likes the most. He must have free time for a good rest.