Web Developer: Roles, Required Skills & Responsibilities

Frameworks simplify your work but give you a more standardized approach to coding. These frameworks also make it feasible for the programmer to create a device-responsive application. JavaScript is a text-based programming language that allows you to construct interactive web pages on both the client and server sides. Whereas HTML and CSS provide structure and layout to web pages, JavaScript adds interactive components that keep users engaged. You can use the technology to create personalized websites with unique (and advanced) features and functions. For the uninitiated, HTML5 is the most recent version, and you should start learning it right away.

In India, a web developer’s salary for a fresher is approximately a minimum of ₹125,000 pa while that of an experienced developer’s salary is approximately ₹890,000 pa. The three main types of web developers are front-end, back-end, and full-stack.

What do entry-level web developers do?

The level of data analytics knowledge required depends on the field you’re working in. But, as data becomes increasingly important in all sectors of business, be prepared for this topic to come up in interviews. Despite this, it’s important to recognize that data analytics is a career path in its own right. So, as a web developer, you don’t necessarily need to be well-versed in the underlying mathematical concepts; often, it’s enough to be able to use certain data analytics tools and frameworks.

Analytical skills are crucial web developer skills as they allow developers to understand user behavior and make informed decisions. Web developers need to analyze website traffic, user engagement, and user feedback to make data-driven decisions that improve the website’s performance. Analytical tools like Google Analytics are widely used in web development. Web applications’ ‘behind-the-scenes’ functionality is handled by backend development languages. It’s the code that connects the web to a database, keeps track of user connections, and runs the web application. To deliver the final product to the end user, backend development works in collaboration with frontend development.
Big data is everywhere; in fact, you’ll struggle to find a sector or organization that isn’t driven by data to some extent. If you want easy recruiting from a global pool of skilled candidates, we’re here to help. Our graduates are highly skilled, motivated, and prepared for impactful careers in tech. A framework for entry-level web literacy and 21st-century skills, which also provides access to teaching activities sorted by category. A great series of videos explaining web fundamentals, aimed at absolute beginners to web development.

Strong communication skills

Soft skills are also referred to as workplace skills, and include competencies such as presentation skills and professional communication. You’ll also gain access to career support resources like interview prep. Front-end developers typically spend more time working with the creative side of the website, using graphic design and code editing tools to make the website functional for users.
This may require proficiency with presentation tools like Excel and PowerPoint. While their primary role is to ensure the website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, many web developers are also responsible for the website’s performance and capacity. By adopting DevOps practices, web developers can streamline development workflows, increase collaboration, and deliver software faster while maintaining a high level of quality and reliability. Regularly analyze and test your website’s performance, monitor user behavior, and implement best practices to ensure a smooth and efficient user experience. If you’re considering a career in IT or perhaps a change in your field of expertise, the 2022 DevSkiller IT skills report is stacked with valuable information on the technology industry. Performing well in a coding test requires an additional set of skills on top of your technical ones.
web developer skills
The front end includes designing sites and coding what users see, while back-end development involves writing code to ensure proper functionality. Web developers may also become webmasters to provide maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting when needed. To become a web developer, one needs a mix of technical and interpersonal skills along with an understanding of market trends. Front-end, back-end, and full-stack development are all parts of the broad field of web development. In this post, we’ll talk about the top web development skills employers will be looking for in 2023 and how to remain on top of trends in this industry.

Code Versioning Skills

They need to understand web hosting options like shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting and choose the best option for their website. They must also be familiar with AWS, Google Cloud, and Digital Ocean hosting providers. Web development allows you to express yourself on the internet in a creative way.
Web developers earn a median salary of $78,300, although the highest 10% of wage-earners in this career can bring in as much as $168,200 annually. Web developers or designers at the highest-paying levels often work for software publishers or computer systems designers. A web developer’s day often starts https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ with handling emergencies like fixing bugs in a new site. The second part of the day might include editing the previous day’s work, meeting with UI designers, or responding to error reports. Modern web developers use HTML, CSS, and other tools to build websites and apps for a technology-driven world.
web developer skills
Coding tests are fast becoming the go-to screening method for web developer candidates. This sentiment is reflected by coders taking longer to prepare for coding challenges as well as interview questions and taking them more seriously overall. Despite the fact that other languages have started to catch up—in particular Java—it doesn’t look like JavaScript’s popularity is about to dip anytime soon. Decades after its invention, JavaScript has remained steady in its popularity. This versatile language continues to be highly desired among recruiters and companies alike, and experienced JS developers can expect a great salary.
web developer skills
Here you will learn what basic knowledge you need to learn to become a Web developer, as well as what you need to know to become an effective web developer if you already have some. You must establish strong fundamentals, just as you must with any newly acquired knowledge. Candidates with Web Development expertise will stand out from the crowd. Understanding HTML, design skills, and analytical knowledge are all important Front-end Web Developer skills.

  • These frameworks also make it feasible for the programmer to create a device-responsive application.
  • Recruiters are now including more challenging programming tasks in response to this trend in candidate behavior.
  • They must also be familiar with AWS, Google Cloud, and Digital Ocean hosting providers.
  • JavaScript and HTML/CSS are the two most popular programming languages used in the world, according to Statista, and more than half of developers rely on them to do their work.
  • Web development talents are in high demand making it an excellent career choice.

To design websites, you must be conversant with HTML tags, elements, and properties. Web development as a field is continuously evolving; therefore, developers need to stay current on technological advancements and market trends. Depending on their abilities and interests, web developers may specialize in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development.


It can also ensure the web development certificate or certification you choose aligns with your desired results and, therefore, feels worth pursuing. The median annual salary for web developers in the US is $78,300, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) [1]. However, web developers in the US can earn up to $249,297 according to Glassdoor salary insights [2]. How much you earn will depend on many factors, including where you work, what industry you work in, and how much experience you have. Web performance optimization involves enhancing the speed, responsiveness, and overall efficiency of a website or web application.
This collection of projects shows potential employers what you’re capable of creating. If you’re including code, be sure to annotate it to show your thought process. Web developers build websites and ensure they perform reliably and efficiently. Learn more about this critical role in the tech industry and how to get started. Express.js is a minimalist and flexible back-end framework for building web applications and APIs using Node.js.